Wednesday, October 2, 2013


today was fun.
milo and i were eating cereal and watching a show in our undies this morning when all of the sudden a loud deep voice started speaking chinese in one of the back rooms.
a little bit terrifying because we were alone. so i started sneaking back there like the dumb girl in all those horror films who dies, only to find a speaker system in our bathroom that was playing a recording on repeat. when all of the sudden sirens started going off! and they wouldn't stop! so of course i grab milo, put some clothes on, save the oreos, and run outside. only to find i'm the only one out there. everybody else is going about their business while i just heard an alarm that sounded like world war three was happening. so i call robert while i'm walking over to the taiwanese security guard and hand him the phone. he proceeds to say something in chinese and starts laughing while he hands me back the phone. then calmly my husband tells me it's just a fire drill. i was not amused.  but i didn't want everyone in the complex to think i just ran outside for the fire drill, so milo and i went to the playground to kill a few minutes until it became unembarassing to walk back home.
it was nice outside, i think milo had fun.


  1. Hahah I love this and you guys! What a classic international living moment. You're also a great writer, you no dis? MISS YOU! xoxo

  2. Sooo, what kind of fire drill is it if NO one goes outside to pretend there is a fire? I say, way to set the bar high...glad it was a beautiful day out, we miss you! they predict snow on Friday...I am planning on a day with no fire drills:) charity

  3. That's classic - and well handled by you, especially the "put my clothes on" part - well done ;o) haha - hey, does that black flooring at your playground make Milo's clothes and feet all black?? All the playgrounds here in Saudi have that and it's horrible! it ruins their clothes ;o(

  4. And this is yet another reason why I love you so much :). I'm with Britt, glad you put clothes on! Miss you sister!

  5. I say next time you go "as is" and see how fun those drills really are!
